The Academy shall consist of no more than thirty Members whose scholarly and scientific writings bearing on the subject of education are judged outstanding by Members of the Academy and their peers.

Membership is granted to individuals whose scholarship demonstrates rigor and creativity. It is not the quantity of effort but the significance of the scholarship that is critical for Membership in the Academy. The criteria for selection of Members to the Academy are:

  1. Outstanding scholarship related to teaching and learning;
  2. Respect and recognition among peers; and
  3. A significant contribution to education.

Active Members

Nicholas Bowman

Nicholas Bowman

University of Iowa
Allison Bruhn

Allison Bruhn

University of Iowa
Daniel Clay

Daniel L. Clay

University of Iowa
Scott Ellison

Scott Ellison

University of Northern Iowa
Noel Estrada-Hernandez

Noel Estrada-Hernández

University of Iowa
Megan Foley Nicpon

Megan Foley Nicpon

University of Iowa
Ann Gansemer-Topf

Ann Gansemer-Topf

Iowa State University
Constance Hargrave

Constance Hargrave

Iowa State University
David Hernandez-Saca

David Hernandez-Saca

University of Northern Iowa
Liz Hollingworth

Liz Hollingworth

University of Iowa
Stephanie Huffman

Stephanie Huffman

University of Northern Iowa
Kere Hughes-Belding

Kere Hughes-Belding

Iowa State University
Gabriela Olivares

Gabriela Olivares

University of Northern Iowa
Carla Peterson

Carla Peterson

Iowa State University
Lia Plakans

Lia Plakans

University of Iowa
Saba Rasheed Ali

Saba Rasheed Ali

University of Iowa
Robert D. Reason

Robert D. Reason

Iowa State University
Denise Schmidt-Crawford

Denise Schmidt-Crawford

Iowa State University
Nicole Skaar

Nicole Skaar

University of Northern Iowa
Amanda Haertling Thein

Amanda Haertling Thien

University of Iowa
Sherry Watt

Sherry Watt

University of Iowa
Carl Weems

Carl Weems

Iowa State University
Jeff Weld

Jeff Weld

University of Northern Iowa
Gregory Welk

Gregory Welk

Iowa State University
Pam Wesely

Pam Wesely

University of Iowa

Emeritus Members

Martin Agran
University of Wyoming

Thomas Andre
Iowa State University

Susan G. Assouline
University of Iowa

Donald R. Bear
Iowa State University

Camilla Persson Benbow
Vanderbilt University

Jackie M. Blount
The Ohio State University

Robert L. Brennan
University of Iowa

Nicholas Colangelo
University of Iowa

Jeffrey W. Cornett
University of North Florida

Niki Davis
University of Canterbury

Michele Devlin
University of Northern Iowa

Rheta DeVries
University of Northern Iowa

Barbara Dougherty
University of Missouri

Christopher R. Edginton
University of Northern Iowa

Susan Etscheidt
University of Northern Iowa

Deborah Gallagher
University of Northern Iowa

Walter H. Gmelch
University of San Francisco

Mark Grey
University of Northern Iowa

Douglas Grouws
University of Missouri-Columbia

Linda Serra Hagedorn
Iowa State University

Peter Hlebowitsh
University of Alabama

John L. Hosp
University of Massachusetts Amherst

Nancy Ewald Jackson
University of Iowa

David A. Jepsen
University of Iowa

Dale Johnson
Dowling College

Michael J. Kolen
University of Iowa

David F. Lohman
University of Iowa

James D. Marshall
University of Georgia

Christopher Morphew
University of Iowa

Nick Pace
University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Ernest T. Pascarella
University of Iowa

Michael B. Paulsen
University of Iowa

Gary Phye
Iowa State University

Johnmarshall Reeve
Korea University

Laura I. Rendón
University of Texas-San Antonio

Daniel Reschly
Vanderbilt University

Harold L. Schoen
University of Iowa

John H. Schuh
Iowa State University

Carl Smith
Iowa State University

John K. Smith
University of Northern Iowa

Gregory P. Stefanich
University of Northern Iowa

Marlene Strathe
Iowa State University

Jerry R. Thomas
University of North Texas

Ann D. Thompson
Iowa State University

Jennifer J. Waldron
University of Northern Iowa

Dwight Watson
Southwest Minnesota State University

Elizabeth J. Whitt
University of California-Merced

Donald B. Yarbrough
University of Iowa

Steven R. Yussen
University of Minnesota

Officers & Committee Members

Current Officers (2019-2021)

Position Member
President Amanda Haertling Thein
President-Elect Michele Devlin
Past President Carla Peterson
Secretary Liz Hollingworth
Treasurer Jo Vaske
At-large Member Jennifer Waldron
At-large Member Donald Hackmann

Committee Officials (three year term)

Membership Committee

Position Member
Chair Robert Reason
Member Liz Hollingworth

Urban Award Selection Committee

Position Member
Chair Marlene Strathe
Member Won-Chan Lee
Member Jennifer Waldron

Outstanding Dissertation Award Selection Committee

Position Member
Chair Ann Thompson
Member Michele Devlin
Member Saba Rasheed Ali

Past Presidents

Year President
2019 Carla Peterson
2018 Susan Etscheidt
2017 Don Yarbrough
2016 Linda Hagedorn
2015 Christopher Edginton
2014 David Bills
2013 Gary Phye
2012 Deborah Gallagher
2011 Michael Kolen
2010 John Schuh
2009 Gregory Stefanich
2008 Peter Hlebowitsh
2007 Ann Thompson
2006 Jeffrey Cornett
2005 Nicholas Colangelo
2004 Jerry Thomas
2003 Ernest Pascarella
2002 Sandra Alper
2001 John Smith
2000 David Jepsen
1999 Robert Brennan
1998 Robert Brennan

Past Secretaries (two year appointment)

Years Secretary
2018 – 2019 Anne Foegen
2016 – 2017 Carla Peterson
2014 – 2015 Thomas Andre
2012 – 2013 Ann Thompson
2010 – 2011 Carl Smith
2008 – 2009 Gary Phye
2006 – 2007 Thomas Andre
2004 – 2005 Michael Kolen
2002 – 2003 Nancy Jackson
2000 – 2001 Ken Kavale
1998 – 1999 Rheta DeVries

Past Treasurer

Years Treasurer
2007 – 2013 David Jepsen

Past Executive Director

Years Executive Director
2007 – 2013 David Jepsen

IAE Administration

Liz Hollingworth, PhD
IAE Executive Director

Deb Baker
IAE Assistant 