Denise Schmidt-Crawford
Denise Schmidt-Crawford is a professor of educational technology and Director of the Center for Technology in Learning and Teaching (CTLT) in the School of Education at Iowa State University. She teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in the area of educational technology and is coordinator for the Learning Technologies Minor offered by the School of Education.
Dr. Crawford’s research uniquely contributes to the field’s understanding of the development and application of technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) in teacher education and PK-12 schools. Her scholarship investigates how teacher education faculty use and integrate technology in courses, examines how preservice teachers develop and apply TPACK throughout their teacher preparation program (including classroom teaching experiences), and explores how PK-12 inservice teachers develop and apply TPACK in their classrooms. More recently, she collaborated with several colleagues to co-author and co-facilitate international research leading to the development of the Teacher Educator Technology Competencies. Dr. Crawford’s research has been supported over the years by the National Science Foundation, U.S. Department of State, and the U.S. Department of Education.
Dr. Crawford has served as president of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education and is the current president of the Iowa Association of Colleges for Teacher Education. She is also a co-editor for the Journal of Digital Learning in Teacher Education and was appointed to the Iowa Governor’s STEM Advisory Council. Dr. Crawford received the Award for Excellence in Teacher Education from the Teacher Education Network of the International Society of Technology in Education, recognizing her work for advancing the field, demonstrating vision and innovation, and improving learning and teaching.